Carrie J. Hinnant
Speech Language Pathologist & Certified Autism Specialist
Clinician, Carolina Therapeutic Ranch; Executive Director, Carolina Therapeutics
Carrie is Executive Director of Carolina Therapeutics – but that doesn’t mean she keeps to the office! Carrie is an actively practicing Speech-Language Pathologist & Feeding Therapist with specialty training in Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol, Beckman Oral Motor Protocol, Picture Exchange Communication Systems, Oromyofunctional Therapy, and the SOS Approach to Feeding. She is also a Certified Autism Specialist and has completed graduate coursework to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
Carrie began incorporating therapy with equine movement after attending an American Hippotherapy Association course in 2022. Her motivating factor for exploring hippotherapy was to support a client with Cerebral Palsy. Carrie has been her Speech-Language Pathologist for several years, beginning at just 10 months old. Hippotherapy motivates her patient to communicate, enhances her ability to relax her muscles, and extends the therapeutic benefit of their sessions together. Her smile lights up the barn every week!
Carrie has always loved horses. She learned to ride as a child and now she has the joy of riding trails with her daughter, Charlotte. Her current focus on her personal riding journey is learning to jump with her horse, Stormy! In addition to riding, in her spare time, Carrie enjoys spending time with her family, sewing, reading, gardening, traveling, and playing with her dogs, Ruxin and Millie.